Ross Langmead

Photo of Ross


About Ross





Curriculum Vitae


Dr Ross Langmead
Whitley College
271 Royal Parade


Dean and Professor of Missiology
Whitley College (The Baptist College of Victoria, Australia)


13 August 1949,  Albury, NSW, Australia


1993-7    Doctor of Theology (DTheol) (conferred 3 April 1998) in missiology, Melbourne College of Divinity.  Thesis topic: The Word Made flesh: Towards an Incarnational Missiology

1977-9    Bachelor of Divinity with Honours (BD(Hon)) with major in systematic theology, Melbourne College of Divinity, through Whitley College.  (Awarded H2A)

1975-6    Master of Arts (MA) in religious studies by course work and minor thesis, University of Lancaster (UK).  Thesis topic:  The Concept of Prayer.  (Awarded with Distinction)

1972-5    Master of Education (M.Ed) by major thesis in philosophy of religion, University of Melbourne.  Thesis topic:  The Epistemological Status of Religious Belief and Its Implications for Education.  (Awarded H2A)

1970    Diploma of Education (DipEd), University of Melbourne

1967-9    Bachelor of Arts (BA) in mathematics, University of Melbourne

Secondary    Rosanna HS, Kensington Central School and (from 1963 to 1966) University HS (all in Melbourne)

Primary    Schools in Hong Kong; then Heathmont, Ringwood and West Heidelberg (all in Melbourne)


2009-    Dean of the Whitley Theological School

2000-2006    Director of the School of World Mission, Whitley College.

1998-    Professor of Missiology, Whitley College.

1993-1997    Lecturer in Missiology, Whitley College (The Baptist Theological College of Victoria).

1992    Community Relations Project Officer, Footscray City Council and Migrant Resource Centre.  Part-time.

1991-2    Teacher of communication skills and provider of pastoral care and counselling, Compuskill (training centre in computing and other skills for disadvantaged unemployed people; a mission project of Westgate Baptist Community).  Part-time

1986-1991    Adjunct lecturer, Whitley College, in Introduction to Theology (1986-7), The Church’s Mission for Justice (1989,1991), and Faith and the Environment (1990).  Part-time.

1981-1992    Lay pastor, Westgate Baptist Community, Yarraville, Melbourne

1979-80    Co-ordinator, Kensington/Flemington Education Programme for Unemployed Youth (EPUY)

1977-90    Tutor in philosophy of education, University of Melbourne. Part-time

1977-8    Western Suburbs Commissioner for the Baptist Union of Victoria; research on the mission challenges facing churches in the Western Suburbs and possible responses

(1975-6    Postgraduate study in the UK)

(1974-5    Postgraduate scholarship holder)

1971-3    Secondary maths teacher, Wodonga HS & Preston E HS


a    Books

2007. Edited. Reimagining God and Mission: Perspectives from Australia. Adelaide: ATF Press.

2004. The Word Made Flesh: Towards an Incarnational Missiology. American Society of Missiology Dissertation Series. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

1978. The Western Suburbs Conference Report: A Report from the Western Suburbs Conference of Baptist Churches to the Baptist Churches of the Western Suburbs and Their Members. Melbourne: Baptist Union of Victoria.

b    Articles and Chapters

2008. “Transformed Relationships: Reconciliation as the Central Model for Mission”. Mission Studies 25.1 (June): 5–20.

2007. “Conviction and Openness: Christian Witness in a Multifaith World”. Australian Journal of Mission Studies 1.1 (June): 41–50.

2007. “Introduction: Reimagining God and Mission in Australia”. In Reimagining God and Mission: Perspectives from Australia, ed. Ross Langmead. Adelaide: ATF Press. pp. 1–11.

2006.    With Meewon Yang. “Multicultural Congregations: A Victorian Baptist Perspective”. In Crossing Borders: Shaping Faith, Ministry and Identity in Multicultural Australia, eds. Helen Richmond and Myong Duk Yang. Sydney: Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Ministry, The National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia. pp.121–32.

2004. “Theological reflection in ministry and mission”. Ministry Society and Theology 18 (2004). pp. 9–28.

2004. “Taking Shape: Incarnational Mission”. Verbum SVD 45. pp. 173–86.

2002.    “Anabaptist Perspectives for Mission”, in Prophecy and Passion: Essays in Honour of Athol Gill, ed. David Neville (Hindmarsh, SA: 2002. 

2002.    “Ecomissiology”. Missiology 30: pp. 505–18.

2002. “Not Quite Established: The Gospel and Australian Culture”. The Gospel and Our Culture 14.3&4 (Sep/Dec): pp. 7–10.

2002. “Faith and the environment”. Grid (World Vision of Australia) (Issue 2): pp. 1–2.

2000.    “The Multicultural Vision in Christian Mission”, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies No. 23 (April): pp. 1–6.

2000. “Understanding the Context of Mission: Inner City Areas”, in Small Groups that Catch the Wind: Using Small Groups for Community and Mission in the Local Church, ed. Jennifer Turner (Adelaide: Openbook), pp. 118–24.

1998-9. “Ecojustice Principles: Challenges for the Evangelical Perspective”. Ecotheology Nos. 5 & 6: 162–72.

1998. “Mission and Contextualisation”, Journal of Tribal Studies [North East India] 2.1 (Jan-Jun): pp. 45–61.

1997. “The Gospel and the Cultures of Footscray”, in The Gospel and Cultures: Initial Explorations in the Australian Context, ed. Randall Prior. Melbourne: Victorian Council of Churches, pp. 113–21.

1996. “Future Church: Changing Patterns of Mission”, in Future Church: A Baptist Discussion, ed. Ken Manley, Hawthorn, Vic.: Baptist Union of Victoria, pp. 45–9.

1993. “Water”, in Environment Matters: A Christian Response to Our World, ed. Ian Smith, Melbourne: Victorian Council of Churches Task Group on the Environment, pp. 13–18.

1993. “Mission Tailored for Melbourne’s Western Suburbs”, South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies, Nos. 9 & 10, December, pp. 32–5.

1993. “Getting a songbook together”, Baptist Witness, August, p. 16.

1993. “Caring for creation”, series of four articles in the Victorian Baptist Witness.

1985. “Living in the City:  Possibilities and Problems” and “The Response of the Church to the City”, in Green Shoots in the Concrete:  Towards a More Sensitive Christian Presence in Our Cities, ed. Peter Kaldor et al, Sydney: Scaffolding. pp. 45–50 and 159–62.

1980. “An Educational Programme for Unemployed Youth”, Journal of Christian Education, Papers 68, pp. 31–42.

c    Reviews

2007. Review of Ken R. Manley’s “From Woolloomooloo to ‘Eternity’: A History of Australian Baptists (2 vols.)”, Australian Journal of Mission Studies. 1.1 (June 2007): 53–54.

2007. Review of T Patrick Burke's "The major religions: An introduction with texts", Pacifica 20.3 (October): pp. 337–9.

2007. Review of Celie E. Deane Drummond’s “The Ethics of Nature”, Australian Religion Studies Review. Forthcoming.

2007. Review of Ahmed S Akbar’s “Islam Under Siege: Living Dangerously in a Post-Honor World” and Tamara Sonn’s “A Brief History of Islam”, Pacifica. 20.2 (June): pp. 241–3.

2003. Review of Del Ratzsch’s “Science and Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective” (2nd edition), Ecotheology

2002. Review of Joseph A Camilleri (ed.) “Religion and Culture in Asia Pacific: Violence or Healing?”, Zadok Perspectives No. 74: p. 27.

2001. Review of Peter Connolly (ed.) “Approaches to the Study of Religion”, Pacifica 14.3 (October): pp. 335–7.

2001. Review of Calvin E Beisner’s “Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry into the Environmental Debate”, Ecotheology No. 10: pp. 119–22.

2000. Review of Ken Gnanakan’s “God’s World: A Theology of the Environment”, Ecotheology No. 9: pp. 100–102.

1999. Review of Ninian Smart’s “The World’s Religions” (Revised edition), Pacifica, 12.2 (June): 242–3.

1999. Review of Alan Walker’s “The Contrast Society of Jesus”, Pacifica, 12.1 (February): pp. 119–20.

1996. Review of John Langmore & John Quiggin’s “Work for All: Full Employment in the Nineties”, Zadok Perspectives, No. 51, Summer, pp. 25–6.

1996. Review of Philip Hughes’ “The Baptists in Australia”, BIR (Bureau of Immigration Research) Bulletin, August, pp. 52–3.

1995. Review of Donald Kraybill’s “The Upside-down Kingdom”, Zadok Perspectives, No. 48, March, p. 23.

1994. Review of Athol Gill’s “Life on the Road” and “Fringes of Freedom”, Baptist Peacemaker 14.3&4: 9.

1994. Review of Ronald Sider’s “One-sided Christianity: Uniting the Church to Heal a Lost and Broken World”, Zadok Perspectives, No. 45, July, pp. 21-22.

1993. Review of Peter Singer’s “How Are We to Live? Ethics in an Age of Self-interest”, Zadok Perspectives, No. 43, December, p. 25.


Holistic witness: Introduction to mission
The church’s mission for justice
Reconciliation: The heart of mission
Dialogue with living faiths
Faith and the environment
The multicultural church
New missional churches: Mission in postmodernity
Global mission today
Contemporary mission theology
Supervised reading course in missiology
Cross-cultural exposure to mission


1978-    Founding member and convener (1984-92 and 1998-2000), Victorian Baptist Social Justice Group, now the Public Issues Network of the Baptist Union of Victoria

1993-    Member, Australian Association for the Study of Religions

1997-    Founding convener, Mission Studies Network (Victorian chapter of the South Pacific Association of Mission Studies)

2004-    Member, International Association of Mission Studies

2005-    Founding secretary of the Australian Association for Mission Studies

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(Last updated 28th September 2010)